Hey, my name is Lisa.


I like to understand climate change and its implications for sustainable development.

Once I have it clear in my mind, I try to spread the word. That’s why I founded Caldo.

“To keep your balance, you must keep moving” - Albert Einstein

I am a sustainability enthusiast with a particular interest in climate change. This is why I have redirected my professional career from pure finance to sustainability!

Photographer’s credit: ©2021 Juerg Kaufmann

Photographer’s credit: ©2021 Juerg Kaufmann


I fill my CV with a few titles like a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, a Master’s in Finance, a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Corporate Social Responsibility.


To give it a green taste, I went back on the books and enrolled in a Master’s in Climate Change and Development at the University of London. Work in progress…

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Do you want to learn more about me?

What else?


Avid hiker.

Windsurfing evangelist.

Beerer than winer.